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ELITE Series

ELITE Series

ELITE Series


Choose your preferred specifications

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M 32-65"
Max 35 kg
L 40-77"
Max 45 kg
XL Hero 55-100"
Max 75 kg
Forward and turning motion (up to 120°)
Full motion (up to 180°)
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    The full-motion TV wall mount for large high-end TVs

    Ultra-slim and ultra-strong. The Vogel's ELITE Full-Motion TV wall mount is the ultimate wall mount for large TVs such as OLED and QLED TVs. The extremely flat design makes the wall mount ideal for extra-flat displays. The elegant design and unprecedented ease of use provide an unparalleled viewing experience. The ELITE Full-Motion TV wall mount allows you to enjoy your beautiful large premium TV from every corner in the room.

    Designed for great performance

    The ELITE Full-Motion TV wall mount combines an enormous weight-bearing capacity with elegance and technical ingenuity, including OneFinger™ Movement. With just one finger you can turn your TV to the desired position.

    The wall mount also features 2D Leveling™ to easily level your TV, both horizontally and vertically. The unique Cable Inlay System (CIS®) guides the cables through the support arms, leaving no messy cables visible behind your display.

    For the very best, choose ELITE Full-Motion TV wall mount.

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